Just Turned 50...

who else? Still have your hearing?
I'm 61 and hearing fine and still get excited to hear subtle improvements in sound but probably less tolerant of noise. Don't worry about aging - it has its advantages. My Dad when he was ninety still could be moved to tears by a beautiful violin playing and he would say, these 74 years are just pups, they really don't know anything yet! so much of the best is yet to come.
12-11-11: Entrope
56 and looking for senior discounts in audio stores and audio web sites.

I'll be looking for the same!
If you are 50 and still hearing up to 20khz like a kid you are part of a significant minority based on what I have read and understand about how our ears age normally.

Other than loss of ability to hear higher frequencies, your ears are probably better trained for listening to music than ever before.

Listening to wives, relatives, etc? Different story maybe....
Thanks everyone. If it weren't for audio(20 years this month), I'd have bad hearing. Because I was rabid about maintaining my aural health, I didn't hesitate to wear double ear protection around F-16's going through engine runs@80% military power.