Stillpoint Ultras anyone?

Has anyone tried these yet? I bought a set of 3 of the steel version recently, having heard some positive discussion. I tried them for some time under my TW Accustic Raven one on a wall shelf and Leema Antilla CDP, against my existing Stillpoints with Risers and Black Ravioli footers. The difference, well marginal at best, a bit tighter base and better dynamics, the music sounded subjectively louder. Did I think the difference worth the cost? No I'm afraid I did'nt. Well actually I am not afraid come to think of it. The thought of the cost of replacing all my footers with Ultras, as some have done, would have been daunting. I am sure others have definitely heard a big difference.

I can almost hear the chorus response, your system, ears or both, are'nt up to hearing a difference. Does anyone recall the Fairy Story about The Emperors New Clothes?
I have four SP Ultra fives under my TW Acustic Raven One AC turntable and the difference is incredible. I also use four SP Ultra fives under my phono stage and dac. I will soon get them for my JM Labs Maestro Utopia speakers, Tripoint Troy/Orion/Spartan.
I use the 3 Ultras under my Raven one and found a marginal improvement over the Stillpoints with Risers.

On a different tack, I just got 2 sets of 4 Track Audio Isolation feet, to replace the Edensound Brass feet under my Daedalus DA-RMa speakers. They made more difference than any footer I have ever used before, deeper tighter base, better imaging. Like the Ultras, they are not cheap, but I highly recommend them for speakers. They are from the UK, but available in the US, through music direct I believe.
Any chance I can get a picture and detail how to attach ultra to clearaudio feet. Thanks
I don't know if any of you have the SPs Rack with acrylic shelves. If you do, get rid of the acrylic and get their new Grids to replace them. StillPoints keep costing me lots of money, but bring em on!