Idol fans weigh in

I'm a big fan of the show and this season has been amazing.The collective talent this year far exceeds any other season IMHO. Jessica...phenomonal at any age and she's SIXTEEN!Other favorites: Elise, Skylar.Joshua is amazing as well, although I'm turned off when he screams the songs which he does too often. He was amazing last night.Phillip is not my cup of tea,although his ballad last night gave me 'goozies' and for once his face was not contorted which I find to be a big distraction.Holly will probably leave tonight but good lord she's 15!
Next you guys are going to start talking about ,The Bad Girls Club,Housewives of Atlanta,Oprah,,I thought this was a hard core Hifi Club! Gotta go,,, Dr Phil is starting!
"I thought this was a hard core Hifi Club!"

I get tired of talking about fuses and such sometimes.

I'm a big Julianna Hough fan actually. I keep hoping she'll make another cameo appearance!

Plus, hey it is live music of a sort that many watch, listen to and talk about.

Unlike most anything else audio related.

At least most of the world probably knows what a fuse is! They may even think they know what its purpose is. To tune the sound, of course! :-)
Joshua is a screamer nothing more, justice has been served...Jessica is next.

My rig is down due to construction so Idol is my music fix...arrgghhh!
I agree with the posters here who like Jessica. I think she exhibits strength, intonation, and control like someone twice her age. Dave Mathews, I mean Philips, sounds (and looks) like nails scratching a chalkboard. Joshua over sings and chose a bad tune with 'Imagine".

But does anyone agree how pathetic Lisa Marie Presley's performance was? I think she thinks she's so cool. Her style and her voice are so gray and dull that is makes me mad. She's riding on her legendary father, for sure.

And Adam Lambart? He seemed very uncomfortable. He seemed nervous.

American Idol is fun and I love watching it. But if the Mathews clone wins, I'm not watching next season.
Funny how everyone has different tastes, I feel the same way about Jessica, if she wins I am out - her voice is too undeveloped. She will great great as she matures

Phillip is not a Matthews clone, he has a little Matthews, Cocker, Lamontagne, etc...

I would pay to see Phillip sing, I would pay to not have to hear Jessica and Joshua sing.