Beware MSS Hifi, avoid Fraud

I have been swindled by MSS HIfi. If you deal with them your risk getting cheated. I bought a system from them and they lied about all the equipment. CD player was broken and they kept sending it back claiming it had been repaired. Then they traded for a PS Audio Perfectwave system that was defective. They sold me a "new" Benchmark HDR that was used, and a forged serial number. Then the benchmark died. The story is much longer with even more fraud. Given the opportunity to make it right, they chose to lie more.
These guys make a living selling questionable equipment and sticking you with something that is not as advertised. Due to using a credit card I was able to get some satisfaction by disputing the charge. However, they still fight to keep my money even after I returned the equipment. Stay away from MSS Hifi.
I see you are new here Rex, next time you buy, perhaps you should do a little internet research first. We've all known how bad MSS HIFI is/was, just as we knew how bad Johnny was as the Audio Pimp before MSS. Getting ripped off by Johnny Boey isn't news.....sorry for your loss.
Congatulations Rex2381, you are the last audiophile on the planet earth to find out about this creep, who, by the way, advertised right here for quite a while under the moniker "The Audio Pimp".
I do hope that you get back all of your money, and I am sure that you will do research next time.