Recent equipment you hated, thought overpriced

Enough with the glowing accounts and positivity. What equipment have you bought in the last couple of years that you either just hated or thought sounded good but was significantly overpriced? Dish it out.
Bybee gizmos. incredibly overpriced Like the Golden Goddess set of four little gizmos $4,200 WTF?? give me a break.
I dispise tweaks which are basic stuff mystified into bullshit priced tweaks for folks with waaaaaay more money than sense.
Like the infamous Tice Clock, the grandfather of overpriced garbage tweaks.
Then Shackti sticcks.. Tuning bells.. If it costs more than the average amplifier. it is a rip off.

I have used plenty of tweaks all good, and none of them cost more than the basic raw materials.
I once purchased a Joule-Electra pre-amp that used printed stickers to label the controls..This stuff aint cheap either!..I expected maybe some engraving? BTW..the sound was good.
I have Bybees..and Shakti stones..and LessLoss Blackbodies
and others...and they all work as advertised. So unless you have actually owned and used these products your comments make no sense. I let my EAR be my judge..what do you use..your wallet?
BTW the OP wanted opinions about stuff you've actually used.
Its a fact that tweaks may work sometimes but are almost always cash cows with high markup fueled by hype used to help make this ridiculous industry profitable for some companies.

I avoid expensive tweaks like the plague. Similar or better results can usually be achieved for less.

I have not had any recent equipment that I hated. I probably paid too much ($200) for my .5m Harmonic Technology ICs, but these do make nice but expensive amp/pre jumpers on my old NAD receiver when needed.