Recent equipment you hated, thought overpriced

Enough with the glowing accounts and positivity. What equipment have you bought in the last couple of years that you either just hated or thought sounded good but was significantly overpriced? Dish it out.
Its a fact that tweaks may work sometimes but are almost always cash cows with high markup fueled by hype used to help make this ridiculous industry profitable for some companies.

I avoid expensive tweaks like the plague. Similar or better results can usually be achieved for less.

I have not had any recent equipment that I hated. I probably paid too much ($200) for my .5m Harmonic Technology ICs, but these do make nice but expensive amp/pre jumpers on my old NAD receiver when needed.
08-24-12: Davvie
"I have Bybees..and Shakti stones..and LessLoss Blackbodies
and others...and they all work as advertised. So unless you have actually owned and used these products your comments make no sense."

Nor do subjective *unproven/unverified* personal opinions & testimonials about product performance. Merely trying and stating "they all work as advertised", because one's various sensory perceptions convinces one self, for a battery of plausible explanations, does not *default* to absolute without methodic verification measures.

Boy you guys just don't get it.

Elizabeth your lack of understanding is profound.

A system may or may not come together based on all of its setup parameters including tweaks, just because you can't justify their cost of production doesn't mean that tweak X doesn't make a large enough difference over its purchase price to justify its inclusion to a system the difference may be akin to changing out a more expensive component!

Or the other way you can look at it may be that the inclusion of x accessory might actually make X amount of stuff finally sound the way the purchaser wanted.

Rarely is the cost of actual production a valid component in pricing of any good, is a $10k Rolex worth $10k when the amount of gold is minute in comparison to the selling price?

The probable production cost of a $10k Rolex is most likely less than $1,000.00 or ten times less than the selling price, yet no one calls a Rolex wearer an uninformed sucker!

The market determines value, a Rolex or whatever brand of watch you prefer is a piece of handmade jewelery it is up to the consumer to make the value judgement. A 10 quartz timxe tells better time than an automatic watch, so people are buying high end watches due to how they make the wearer feel.

In terms of the Bybee stuff they are absolutely worth the money, the degree of liquidity they add is remarkable. I bought a set for use in my own reference system which is a system of about $180,000.00 and the difference was very audible, know if you are thinking I am saying this to sell Bybee I am not a Bybee dealer and never was!

In terms of tweeks some really work and others are bull the Tice clock is bull, QRT technology, Shakti, tuned resonators,Bybee Purifers, Walker Talismen and many other Walker audio products are not.

The Shakti stuff works so do the little tuning bowls aka Acoustic System Resonators and other similar products, we had a reference system at the NY high end audio show comprising the KEF Blades, and Chord Reference electronics etc,

Upon closing day I played the system without the two tube traps, the Shakti products and the resonators and the sound was poor in comparison to how remarkable the sound was with the tweaks in the room.

No change in hardware could make as big a difference as we were already using some of the worlds best hardware: $50k in electronics, 40k in digital, etc, etc.

So Elizabeth I am really curious as to what tweeks you have tried, who installed them and were they used correctly?

You should find a real dealer that would be willing to demonstrate these kinds of devices to you, you might actually be able to make a major improvement to your system.
The best way to find out if a tweak could possibly work for you is dealer demo. If your dealer sells it out of his/her store front it probably does for some or most. Online is a whole different story.
i assume that if you hated a component , you wouldn't have bought it.
so too, if you liked a component, but thought it was overpriced, you wouldn't buy it.

either way, you have asked a rhetorical question.

i suspect most people , in principle, would not buy something that is overpriced, as it violates a basic principle in economics:

the value in use = the value in exchange.