Recent equipment you hated, thought overpriced

Enough with the glowing accounts and positivity. What equipment have you bought in the last couple of years that you either just hated or thought sounded good but was significantly overpriced? Dish it out.
For Audiooracle: I started to list and explain but just thought gee this is a full size book.
So I will just mention tweaks i use;
Antistatic (black) foam in DAC and a few other electronics, also wrapped around VAC Standard powersupply umbilical. Reduces RFI.
Crystals. $100 worth of small various quartz all over in little ziplock bags, i treated with automotive dielectric silicone. (others bake, or do stuff to coat them.. my stuff works too, I happened to have it around and thought what is needed? and decided the auto stuff works, yup)
Crystals are mostly around A/C stuff inside and out.
"pigtail tweak' of adding a wire to the negative terminal at amp and speaker at speaker wires. I added some ferrite and silver plated raw wire to add more 'mass' to the wire.
Also on ground of Rudistor MPX33 headamp for phone.

Pangea powercords all around. Teflon at base of A/C cord blades.
various feet, most used butyl rubber size ten bottle stoppers. On all stuff on my racks (racks have glass shelves)
Some teak blocks cut from Goodwill chees cutting boards. Really rare now, used to be common to find back in 1980's.
Tiptoes from when they came out.
I coat the Ac wire ends and IC with Caig stuff.
I have a sort of dedicated line. A sigle breaker 20 amp circuit from kitchen brought to area with quad twist dual handmade 12 gauge MilSpec silver plated teflon coated wire. So I have four outlets from one 20 amp breaker.
I use three powerconditioners. Furman REF20i for analog except preamp. Preamp is alone on Monster 7000SS right now after a couple of sessions to solve new Pangea AC9SE powercord sorting out ... and digital is on PS Audio P600.

I leave my stuff on 24/7/365

Cables a few Kimber KCAG, Hero, most of my IC are handmade (yes I made them) with Mark Levinson wire from early 1980's with Vampire Tiffany RCA. (very similar to Cardas in sound)
I have a few Nordost Blue Heaven in storage.
All in a 12' by 28' apartment living room
My 6,000 LPs are in a bedroom to keep the main room free of stuff.

I believe in the 10% rule for cables. And actually by chance pretty much fit close to that at 11%. Adding in the conditioners I bought used, adds about another 10% to that.
(If i compensate a percentage of the Furman for video, that changes the powerconditioner percentage to about 7%

I am not big on paying for stuff i can do myself. So all of my tweaks are self made, or just cheap stuff (like tiptoes. $10 no big deal..)

And I am a solid believer in the ten percent rule. If one would spend the extra money on better components, the final result can be better. others disagree. Not a problem. this works for ME. I would never blow a lot on cables. The most expensive i have is a Hero 7 meter from pre to amp.($700)
One KCAG I own costs new $1,700 now, But when I bought it used many years ago, I paid like $350. in the late 1980's early 1990's (Way before fakes flooded the market)

Anything near free I might try. i would never buy an already made tweak. They all are just a basic idea, wrapped up in fancy verbiage and nicely boxed.(I love all the 'quantum' BS spouted to 'explain whatever..)
Anything sold as a tweak can be made for pennies or a few dollars. And YES the overpriced stuff is ripping off people. Though since those buyers seem to have money to burn, no one cares. (like a Patek Philippe, all for status and all you need is a Timex for time)
I am a Timex sort of girl.
Elizabeth, the horror, 'glass shelves'? They need to be covered, quickly, as you are missing much of the joy of your setup/room. You should know better.
Audiooracle, sucker you are. Rolex? Not a time piece, but a piece of jewelry, eye candy. It has its counterpart in audio in the many, many high priced products that really do not improve on the sound experienced. I suggest you read, and re-read Jim Smith's book on 'Better Sound'. As you know, Jim has in depth experience in audio, including being a dealer, and he has never been 'taken' by the high price tweaks. It is all about the room and its setup.