Recent equipment you hated, thought overpriced

Enough with the glowing accounts and positivity. What equipment have you bought in the last couple of years that you either just hated or thought sounded good but was significantly overpriced? Dish it out.
Thank you for initiating this thread, Jult52. When the Discussion Forums on this site were at their best, this type of thread featured prominently.

Points to Elizabeth as well for having the stones to say what she thinks.

Acoustic Zen. If not for Talon, it might be the worst sounding high-end audio loudspeaker produced. Wait, if given the choice, I'd take the Talons - I've always thought I might rebuild them into something livable. A long time Audiogoner currently thrashes around wildly in thread after thread searching for the source of his system's poor sound. The fix screams out to everyone, lose the AZ, and yet he hears not

Arum Cantus. Outside of some front-loaded horns (of which I'm a fan), probably the most disconnected speaker in existence

Art Audio. Nice sounding stuff, actually. The one distributor who could sell it had almost everyone conned about all sorts of things. Among them, he being the manufacturer. How much faith (thus, the stuff is overpriced) does the actual owner of the company who did so little to address the collapse of his company in this market and those who were bilked out of their money instill? Long ago, a friend who would know, told me the stuff was made in China on the sly. I never confirmed his statement, but watching that slow developing car wreck didn't do anything to leave me feeling my associate had no idea of what he was talking about

Chord. Proof that audiophiles care far more about looks than sound

Classe. Every encounter I had with it sounded either (mostly) dead or (occasionally) shrill. And, now that they're made in China, why would anyone waste their time and money?

Conrad Johnson. Thick, fat, lazy, and the most euphonically colored electronics in the scariest sense out there. I realize some will seek my scalp over this one

Gallo. Right at home on a shelf at WalMart. Maybe it's me?

Hegel. Dull as dishwater. Also, like Art Audio, there have been audio insiders who have told me the stuff is manufactured in China, and I personally have seen real evidence of that. Maybe the company has an explanation (final assembly only?), as they have claimed Norwegian manufacture on many occaisons

Joule Electra. I most definitely have heard good sound from them. But as Davvie mentioned, I've also sat in disbelief in regard to the apparent build quality

Magico. Speaking of Rolex, and how it's jewelry

MBL. Sounds like it's stuck in first gear

MIT. See Conrad Johnson, but for cable. My first realization of the lack of understanding (listening with one's heart), utter foolishness, and money/profit over all else in high-end audio

Nordost. Why not just use lamp cord? I actually shouldn't include cable in my list, since it's like shooting fish in a barrel

Revel. Not sure if John Atkinson still uses these loudspeakers as his reference, but I find it difficult to envision a person and product more alike

Talon. See Chord

Usher. Comatose. People often seem happy with them in a "I bought a Sonus Faber at 1/3 - 1/2 the price - or, at least, I think I did" kind of way

Wilson. Obviously, they've never been cheap. Call me a huge fan of the Sasha, however
Power cords and line conditioners. Give me a break! Do that many people need a band aid for their system? If you need a line conditioner and aftermarket power cords on every piece of equipment, including the power conditioner, something is seriously wrong with your system. If it does not sound right find out what the real problem is.
Simaudio W-6 monoblocks. Cheap construction and synthetic sound. Sold'em quick.

Musical Fidelity M-3 Nuvista integrated. All bling, no substance.

Soliloquy speakers. No wonder they are no longer in business.

Conrad Johnson Premier 140 tube amp. Fine if you want an amp that sounds like solid state. Lacked tube magic. Great customer support though.
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