Recent equipment you hated, thought overpriced

Enough with the glowing accounts and positivity. What equipment have you bought in the last couple of years that you either just hated or thought sounded good but was significantly overpriced? Dish it out.
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hi timrhu:

i don't believe in crap shoots, so i try not to buy equipment without hearing it first.

secondly i stated an economic principle, i.e., the value in use = the value in exchange.

this means a person will not pay more for an item than he thinks it is worth.

in my case, no component is worth more than $10,000.

thus as far as i am concerned, since i do not buy withiut listening, the question posed in this thread is rhetorical, for me.
Audio oracle: I'm with you 100%. As far as Rolex-the last time they made a worthy timepiece-Jean-Claude-Killy was racing the tram at Chamonix!
I use Bybee and Shakti and some other quantum tweaks and they are all very effective.

Unless you use these items in your system your opinions are merely opinions. I prefer facts to opinions.