Recent equipment you hated, thought overpriced

Enough with the glowing accounts and positivity. What equipment have you bought in the last couple of years that you either just hated or thought sounded good but was significantly overpriced? Dish it out.
Mapman wrote,

"If the physics to play it back need be so far advanced beyond that required to create it in the first place to get it "right", I will still probably not be happy. But that's just me...."

Yes, it's probably just you as the laser in CD players is advanced physics, quantum physics to be precise. Smile, be happy.
Mapman wrote,

"At least one might sniff out the snake oil easier when the term "quantum", is used in marketing materials to explain why something is so great when the advertiser knows perfectly well few if any will understand."

I am kind of getting the impression you'd prefer that manufacturers either refrain from providing explanations altogether or else provide some fluffy pablum that they feel everyone will understand. One also has to wonder if it's really true that few if any understand quantum mechanics. It's been around for 80 years. And quantum mechanical devices have been around in audio for at least 15 years. My guess is people are suspicious and superstitious.
Powder- I agree. The one Rolex that I own is the Jean Claude Killy model.
It uses the Valjoux 72 'Ebauche with triple calendar.
No my observation has been that the term quantum is often used as a marketing ploy to make something appear more sophisticated and valuable then it would be otherwise.

I am a fan of keeping communications as simple and accurate as possible, not muddying the waters or obfuscating. So your impression is incorrect Geofkait.
no one calls a Rolex wearer an uninformed sucker
P.T. Barnum knew what to call him...