Recent equipment you hated, thought overpriced

Enough with the glowing accounts and positivity. What equipment have you bought in the last couple of years that you either just hated or thought sounded good but was significantly overpriced? Dish it out.
no one calls a Rolex wearer an uninformed sucker
P.T. Barnum knew what to call him...
Mapman wrote,

"No my observation has been that the term quantum is often used as a marketing ploy to make something appear more sophisticated and valuable then it would be otherwise.

I am a fan of keeping communications as simple and accurate as possible, not muddying the waters or obfuscating. So your impression is incorrect Geofkait."

But no one has ever used the word quantum as a marketing ploy, at least not for audio devices, not in fifteen years. I suggest you might be a wee bit overly suspicious. If you are unfamiliar with the principles of quantum mechanics, as you have intimated, I can certainly understand your dilemma.
"But no one has ever used the word quantum as a marketing ploy, at least not for audio devices, not in fifteen years. I suggest you might be a wee bit overly suspicious."

Well, anyone can do a Google search on "Quantum Audio Tweak" and decide for themselves about that.
Mapman wrote,

"Well, anyone can do a Google search on "Quantum Audio Tweak" and decide for themselves about that."

Really? How, pray tell, can they do that when, as you believe, very few if anyone understands quantum mechanics?

Actually things are even worse than that. If you've been following the ongoing debates, there seems to be very little consensus on a great number of audio issues, including tiny bowl resonators, directionality in wires, extremely low frequency generators, why high end fuses sound better than stock fuses, why high end cables and power cords sound better than stock ones, why demagnetizers and deionizers improve the sound of cables, CDs and LPs, crystals in room corners and other locations, Mpingo discs, colorization of CDs and why systems frequently sound harsh and distorted at medium or higher volumes.
I've liked some Ayre products, but not the K-5XE[mp] preamp. Do not understand the enthusiasm.

Plinius. Though in fairness, it always sounds good (often very very good) in others' systems, just not in mine.