Selling dispute. Please comment.

I recently sold a pair of mono amps and checked the box that indicated the original manual was included. I never use the manual for something like this and just assumed the manual was in the box as there were some various papers from the manufacturer in the boxes.

The buyer got the amps safely and they are in perfect condition as described. I shipped the same day the item sold. Unfortunately the manuals were not in the boxes the amps came in. These were the original boxes, but the manuals are not there according to the buyer.

I sent him the link to download the pdf of the manual. He is not happy with that. I offered to print a color double sided copy (on good stock) at Kinkos for $20 (at my expense) and ship that to him. He says that the original manual was promised and that I have to deliver that to him. And that he dervers two of them since the amps came in two separate boxes. He is threating to kill the deal and dispute with audiogon and paypal.

I admit that I'm in the wrong for mis-stating that the manuals were included. I will attempt to order the manuals from the manufacturer on Monday, but I don't know that the manufacturer will provide them even if I pay for them.

I'd appreciate comments regarding this problem. Thank you.
Offer to send him some nice PDF printed, bound at Kinkos with spirol copies and include a "C" note for his aggrevation. If a free high-end dinner doesnt please the buyer than they've gone past the anal part and are now in the colon.
Maybe the buyer would like to give us the other side of the story?
"I would also add in the email, the emails between you and the manufacture.... I bet the buyer will understand and be happy." (Jea48)

I bet there's almost no chance that "the buyer will understand and be happy." What's making him happy, is causing this bizarre stink over almost nothing. It sounds like he's trying to "teach the seller a lesson", & his pompous manner.....maybe he's clinically narcissistic? Has he listened to the amps? It doesn't sound like he even cares about the amps, only the manual.

Jaxwired, it sounds like these were expensive amps? You maybe didn't talk to the buyer by phone before the sale?? I once turned down a sale of a $1K TT to some pompous Yuppie type after talking to him on the phone. He was very suspicious, kind of insinuating--w/in the first couple of minutes--that I was some kind of scam artist (??) (even tho he had 0 FB, & I had a lot of great FB), demanding that I bring it over to his place & set it up for him, on & on. And I bet he would have found some tiny thing to make a stink about after the sale, even tho the TT was perfect.

It's all about "me me me me me me me" for those types.....& I think "proving" how superior they are.....I bet all this makes this buyer feel "powerful".....& that he's feeling very, very pleased with himself right now.....
Jaxwired, drag the buyer through the mud. Make him put in a claim. I doubt Paypal will side up with you, but they have to take the time to hear your side before giving you a decision. Make some interest off of the schmucks money and do not pay it back until the last possible moment. You seem like you are at least trying to make things right. Good luck. BTW I sopke with Paupal and it will take about 30 days.
In my opinion you have done all you can do and made it right. Done deal.. Move on NO Refund ... Reasonableness must come into play here.
Swampwalker, It's too early for you to be drinking. My comment was based on the communication posted between Jaxwired and the buyer. For your information, I have had several smooth transactions with members of this forum. Your user name has been noted as well.