Recs on Tube Monos for Maggies under 2,500 Used

Maybe this is a repeat of the "big balls" thread but here goes. I am looking to drive a pair of 3.6Rs. Sound is number one but I'd love to find a small manufacturer that really shows the glow of the tubes (nothing wrong with a cool looking rack). Again, I'll be looking in the used market. Thanks in advance.
why used ...why not a "DEMO"pair

check out our showroomon audiogon for the Granite Audio 860.1 kt-88 tube monoblocks ,,,,

hello VTL deluxe 300 amplifiers can be had in the $2500 range here on Audiogon they are powerful and sound very good especially on acoustic instruments and vocals.
Aranovs -- 110W/side -- 4 x KT88's. Someone is selling a pair for $2400 (a great price). Still, your Maggies might like even more power and in your price range a solid state amp might be a better choice.--Lorne
These Maggies sound excellent with a pair of Rogue Audio Monoblocks 120's. They also sound fantastic with solid state monoblocks, such as Bryston 7B's, Legacy monoblocks.