What is a good speaker to match with Classe ca-100

I currently have PSB Stratus Silvers.I am going to move the PSB's into my HT system.What would be a good speaker match.
Ag insider logo xs@2xkrelldog
I like NHT 2.5's with your amp. Other combinations work well too, i.e. CA-200 with NHT 2.9's, or CA-300 with NHT 3.3's, the two brands sonic signatures work well together. The NHT's are great but with some recordings are just a touch bright, but this is a synergystic relationship with the Classe's which have a ever so slight darkness to the top end. Both brands are close to nuetral, but their slight biases complement each other.
Good luck.
I've had excellent results with Thiel (anything up through the 2 series, I had 2.2's). Also had great results with Magnepan MG IIb (with the CA-100 I would not go higher than the 1.6). Bass is not a strong point with this amp below 30hz. Otherwise it's a nice amp, I actually had 2 at one time. Right now I drive Thiel CS 5i's and Magnepan 3.6's with a CA-400. Good luck
I agree that Thiel speakers sound good with Classe amps in general. I had a CA-100 driving my Thiel 1.5's and they sounded very good. The CA-200 was even better with tighter and more defined bass. The CA-100 wasn't bad at all though. I think its one of the best amp values around.