best budget integrated amp for rock n roll music?

--creek 4330
--cambridge audio a500
--audio analogue puccini
--audio refinement complete
--rega mira
i have B&W 302 speakers (small bookshelf type) and play cd's mostly. usually rock -- Dylan to Mission of Burma/Husker Du/Aerosmith -- some jazz and classical. opinions? other suggestions? thanks, ken
I have never heard the Mistral so I cannot compare. I did just finish a very long shopping period (7 months) for an integrated and listened both in home and at dealers with my own cables. It may be beyond your price range (as it was for me) but the YBA Integre DT IMO sounds fantastic with all sorts of music. I listen to Jazz, classical, rock, Drum'n bass and some wierd progressive stuff that not alot of people seem to like....

I wound up getting a great deal (though still over my initial budget) and for the moment feel that I could live with this amp for a very long time. I must mention though that my speakers are very easy to drive: +/- 90db and the combination with the YBA Integre DT fills my place with dynamic sound at about 10:30 on the dial. Bass without a subwoofer is tight and extremely musical, with a sub you get added impact. Let it warm up when auditioning as I notice that it gets richer the longer it plays.

New, the Integre DT can be pricey, but you might find a used one for a good price.

The other "budget" amp that I heard which sounded great on rock during my shopping spree was the NAD C370. A great rock and roll amp with plenty of power, lots of punch and pretty good detail too. It's only when I compared it to models like the YBA that I realized just how much more information and subtle detail and tonal shifts the higher priced amp could deliver.

I'm not a dealer, just a music lover and part time musicien.

Just another suggestion to confuse you even further, if you do as much research as I did, you'll eventualy get something that will sound great no matter which brand you choose.

Good Luck
I will add another vote for the Mistral. If you have not heard it, you owe it to yourself to audition one.

Currently I am using an Onkyo DVD as a transport, Chord DAC 64, the Mistral SE, and Talon Audio Khites in my "music only" system. I also have plugged it into my home theatre (stero mode only of course) and driven a pair of Def Tech BP 30's without any problems. Last night, I was listening to Glen Gould playing Bach's Goldberg Variations, through the Khites, and the piano was right there in my room. I could hear the decay of the strings!

I have found only one fault with the Mistral, no remote.
I forgot to mention in the previous post, most of my listening is to Eric Clapton, SRV, Mike Bloomfield, Carlos Santana, etc., and the Mistral rocks!
Don't forget Exposure Integrated amps. They might be a little harder to find but well worth the effort. Very well built and designed for reliability. They do well with all types of music. I use a model XV which has a phono stage. A line stage only version is a model XX. I believe there is a model XXV Super on audiogon now for $600, it also has a remote control.