Cary/Audio Electronic Supply AE-3 Best UPGRADES?

I have a AE-3 Pre and I love the thing, but I know she could do better.

I am interested in changing out the stock Kimbercaps with Caps that open up the midrange and provide more resolution. I have heard Auricaps are good but I'm really not sure......where to get caps and which values I need for this unit....the soldering is not a problem. Anyone have any suggestions?

I replaced the stock chinese tubes with Sovteks not too big of an upgrade but definetly an improvement. I don't have the money right now to invest in NOS tubes. Unless anyone knows of any affordable suggestions.

Lastly I think the volume pot could be changed out. It hisses a bit at 12:00. Anyone have experiance with this? Any suggestions?

When I look over all that could be replaced I ask myself is it worth it? Should I just put my money into a Cary pre-amp or the New AES DJH version?

I would like people to share their experiances with listening to and tweaking this pre-amp.
Ag insider logo xs@2xsquiddy
For what it is worth, I have the AE-3 DJH and am very pleased. You may want to hold on to your AE-3 until you can get a good deal on a DJH version. I have not seen many for sale here on audiogon but I would consider snatching one up if you can get one used for under $1000. You also may want to call AES or Upscale Audio to see if they have any demo models available to sell. Finally, you can always see if they are willing to apply a trade-in credit of your existing AE-3 toward a DJH (or other) model.
I have the AE-3 and wanted to open up the midrange also. I emailed Kevin at Upscale Audio and he recommended Sylvania chrome tops tubes. In my system it worked great, well worth the cost. Good Luck in your quest.
AES recommends the Jensen copper foil caps. I was contemplating a similar upgrade to my AE-1, so would also appreciate further comments.
I believe that if you send the unit back to AE/Cary and they will upgrade it to the DJH for just the difference in cost new. I know they do that with their Superamps. Though AE recommends the copper foil caps, I heard they can sound a bit too liquid and mushy. For a cleaner and more detailed sound I would go with the auricaps. I've heard of people replacing the stock pot with an Alps pot, and you should also look into stepped attenuators, Dact perhaps? Also many people have had great success with a volume pot shunt mod. You may want to search on AudioAsylum for details. i don't own a AE-3 but I did a bit of research into it when I was deciding on a pre, I went with the Foreplay.
Sibelius, have you compared your DJH to other pre-amps? How would you charecterize the sound? Though I'm happy with my Foreplay, I'm considering an eventual move to the AE-3 DJH. I'd really like a remote.