Need help choosing preamp

\Need help in choosing a preamp for my 2 channel system. I have a 500.00$ limit. My set up is as follows. Odyssey Stratos, Denon 3700 cd/dvd player, Monitor Audio speakers. musical taste- Beatles, Emmylou Harris, Steve Earl and the Miller's and good old 60's and 70's rock. Thanks to those who reply.
I just sold an Anthem Pre1L for about that. They make great preamps for the $$. Try looking at They occaisionally have one used; also sell the newer Pre2L with warranty.
Conrad-Johnson 10AL which is the line version. Should be able to find a used one in your price range. The classic CJ tube sound would be a nice synergestic combo with your solid state amp and cd player.
I also have an Odyssey amp and use a tube preamp, an ARC SP9MkIII. I think that the suggestion of a Conrad Johnson PV10 is excellent. They are outstanding products and would compliment your system. You should be able to get one for between $500-$600. If you can find one without a phono stage(PV10L) you may get it cheaper. Consider ARC preamps as well.