To turn off or not to turn off

That is the question. I have always left my components on, because I heard that they would pay me back with greater reliability. The theory goes that electric/electronic hardware takes a big hit every time it is turned on.

However, I don't listen to the equipment through the night. And the equipment is using electricity and converting it to heat while idling. Besides the waste, would it be better for the equimpent to be turned off when not in use?

What do you think?

Dan C.
This is a good qustion,I have a NAD C-370 and turn it off everytime i am done listening, this may be on and off again 3-4 times a day. is it true that turning it on and off will shorted the lifespan?. it does have standby mode, But nad says in the manual to completely turn it off when not going to be used for more than 2 days. Also i am not home most of the day. What do you guys think i should do??

Whether or not you find it "audible", most digital circuitry and / or items using crystals require several hours of warm up time to stabilize. You might want to think about at least leaving your CD Player / transport & DAC on. I would also suggest using some type of "good" PLC, etc... Sean
I think the longer you leave your equipment on the better it sounds. I use to leave my equipment on all the time but not only did my electric bill go through the roof but my room heats up to much from my amps.
I leave my equipment on knowing i'm going to listen throughout the day,otherwise I leave it in standby.You can't get optimum sound unless your amp,pre,etc...has been on for a long period of time.It's all in the ear of the beholder.
My brother has a working Marantz receiver which he bought new in the late 1960's. He leaves it on and estimates that it's been turned off maybe a dozen times in these 30+ years (several times due to NYC power blackouts). The negative is that the receiver is the one component he refuses to upgrade.