What is a good amp that cost no more then 3500.00


I still cant make up my mind which amplifier should a get. I want a amplifier that last me for 15+ years. I prefer a used amplifier that i can buy it under $3,500.00. I am looking for a 200 watts power amplifier. Need some help and suggestion.

I second the CJ suggestion if you want to give tubes a try. I have Response 2.5's and use Premier 12's with it and I think it sounds fabulous. They're also known to pair well with ARC amps (either VT100 or 100.2), and I've heard them sound very good with Cary. A used CJ Premier 11a (~50w into the ProAc's) will run between $1500 and $2000, and Premier 12's (~100w) between $3500-$4000. Keep in mind that power isn't necessarily the most important factor as long as the amp is capable of driving the speakers. Tube equipment tends to clip more softly than SS, and so can be driven a bit harder than their SS counterparts and still sound good.

One caveat is that the ProAc's have a pronounced bottom end which can end up being a bit overpowering in a smallish room with a warmer amp (which is what I experience in a 15' x 20' room). However, these speakers simply sing when driven by tubes and I'd give serious thought towards leaning in this direction.
You might try a Bryston 4BST. 250 watts into 8 ohms,
20 year warranty. You can sell it w/5 years left..
If it sounds a little forward in your system, try a Pass
X250. The Pass is more laid back, but it will heat your listening room up....

hello the Yamaha has got to go. Invest in a preamp a placette passive is awesome for the price. I concur with the Conrad Johnson premier 11 amplifiers also.
With the ProAc 2.5's an excellent choice is the Bryston 4B ST. I ran that amplifier with ProAc 3.8's and really was able to enjoy the music. The amplifier was able to control the woofers so that the bass was plentiful and tuneful. The combination also worked because the ProAc's, IMHO, lacked in dynamics and the Bryston, IMHO, was a bit forward in its presentation. Together their individual strengths made up for their individual weaknesses.

I am sure that their are many good choices that you could make. The beauty of the Bryston 4B ST is that you could find one used for around $1500 and spend the other $2000 on source upgrades that could make a greater difference. The warranty period ensures resale value. If you choose to spend more my suggestion would be to find a used Mark Levinson or Balanced Audio Technology amplifier. Good Luck