McCormack DNA .5 - No Sound - Help

I turned on my DNA .5 today and it never warmed up - the light stayed orange, never turning to yellow - Even worse, no sound. Any ideas on what might be wrong and where to turn for service would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
Steve Doherty
Thanks for your input everyone. I opened the top and sure enough found that one of the 5 amp fuses on the sideboard was blown. I replaced the fuse with one from radio shack and am happily listening to Charles Brown on my DNA .5 as I write this. I guess for now I'll just wait and see if this happens again. In the meantime, is there any reason why the radio shack fuse would not be as good as a fuse from McCormack? Thanks again.
I had the same problem as you with my 0.5 Rev. A and Steve talked me through replacing the fuse(super nice guy). He told me to use the Radio Shack fuses(which I did) so I assume they're fine. By the way, I haven't had a problem after 6 months of near constant use. For what it's worth...

Ditto to all the above.......I've had an 0.5 Deluxe for a couple years and have had my share of blown fuses.I have found it to be very sensitive to any power surge upon turn on especially if it's been off for a while.It seems that the storage caps can be easily overwhelmed having something to do with the very nature of the DNA design of numerous small caps.The best solution is to just leave it on as this is what McCormack recommends.
There does seem to be something in the always on suggestion. I don't know beans about circut design or ee, but I had a 0.5 dlx for about a year without any fuse problems, and now I've had a 0.5 rev b running for 2 months without a problem. I do leave em on all the time (and turn my tube pre off).
My DNA 0.5 does not come on anymore. The 4 rail side fuses had gone bad and I replaced them. Also, replaced the power fuse. powering it back on, no light comes on, but I can feel the unit vibrating. Turning off, the unit stops vibrating. Any ideas what can be wrong?