Bi-amping MartinLogan SL3's?

I'm ready to upgrade to a seperate amp for my ML SL3's (currently using Yamaha DSP-A1 for both music and movies). Options: Get a nice 5-channel to handle both movies and critical 2 channel listening. Or, get a less expensive 6-channel and bi-amp the front three speakers and let the Yamaha power the surrounds. Or, get a nice 2-channel for the ML's only. Or....etc, etc. Does bi-amping make a significant difference? Any suggestions Logan lovers?
I've biamped Martin Logans for the last 8 yrs, first Quests and then Prodigies. I find it makes a great difference, especially if you can adjust the relative levels between the bass and the panels. This way you can balance the system to the room. The other improvements are in dynamic range, and cleanliness of sound due to the less complex load presented to each amplifier channel.
I bi-amped SL3's for several years using a BAT VK-60 on the panels and a Krell KAV-300i on the woofers and the result was pretty magical. It was much better than using either the Krell or the BAT alone. I agree with sfischer that being able to adjust relative levels is important. I was able to do so because the Krell has it's own preamp. I am exclusively a 2 channel guy so I don't have any HT considerations to balance, but I would opt for fewer channels and better amps.
if you do alot of 2 channel listening then i would say get a top shelf 2 channel amp. it would be better to get the best amp you can based on how much you are willing to spend rather than cheaper amps to biamp. logans are very critical of electronics as im sure you know. i had a t200 & thought it was doing a pretty good job then i got a levinson 335 and the improvements were broad & very significant. good luck & may you find what your looking for.