Best amps for new B&W Nautilus 800's

I just purchased the new B&W Nautilus 800's. These babies will play a dual role in my home theater and for music listening -- more music than theater use. I have listened to Mark Levinson 336, Classe CAM350, Classe 401, and Krell 300c. Am also interested in Krell 350Mc's and 600c. These amps range quite a bit in price, and I'm willing to spend money -- but I want to spend SMART money. My pre-amp/processor is the new Theta Casablanca II with Extreme DACs. I haven't selected a new DVD or CD transport yet. I like strong bass and want to control the speakers with authority. Please help me select best amp.
Stereophile's reviewer used bi-amped Bel Canto evo200.2's to great effect. I have the newer evo2's and plan on using them in just that role.
Actually, they were not biamped with the BCs. Instead each BC was bridged to a monoblock for each channel. The eVo2s work well, too.
I agree with bi-amping. Before, I used 2 Nakamichi Pa-5ii to biamp a BnW 802 series 3.