Linn's advice about bi-amping; question

I have a Linn set-up including a Majik integrated amp, an LK85 power amp, a pair of Tukans and a pair of K400 bi-wired cables. I asked Linn about how best to bi-amp, and here was their reply:

To bi-amp Tukans remove the shorting link from the Treble/Bass terminals of the speakers. Remove the jumper from the pre out/power in jacks of the Majik. Hook interconnect cables from the pre out/power in jacks of the Majik to the LK85 input/outputs respectively. Then hook the speakers up to the amps with separate speaker wires.

It's the last part I'm not sure of. Does it mean that I will need a total of 4 pieces of K400 wire (i.e. 2 pairs), or am I saved by the fact that K400 is already bi-wired. Your advice appreciated.

From what you've said above, it sounds as thought you've got the K400's in a bi-wire configuration (ie. Two connectors on one end, and Four on the other) All you'll need to do is modify, or have it done for you, the one end of each speaker wire, so 4 connectors will exist and both ends, or all the wires are singley terminated.

Since you've had to pull the pre out to power amp in jumpers, I don't know that the Majik could still be used as an Linn for that one (888)-671-LINN.

If it does, then just hook one set of speaker wires from both the left channels of the Lk85 and the Majik, and the other to the other channels. (keep the amps matched), then connect the wires to the speakers, after removing those little plates on the back of your speakers, you'll need the little wrench that comes with your speakers, or improvise as you'll have to pull off the gold covers on each terminal on the back of the speaker. Don't do all of them at once as many Linn crossovers are held in by these and then you've got to pull out drivers..... and match all the wires from amps to speakers!

As an aside, Linn recomends using the best amp for the tweeters, for all speakers.....I know, sounds funny, but that's what they'll always say.

Can you go Activ with that bi-amp combo??

I am not certain that I understand what you said.

I am not familiar with your equipment.

However, There are two distinct things you can do. 1)bi-wire and 2)bi-amp. These are completely different. Bi-amping is FAR more beneficial. In order to Bi-amp you need to disconnect the passive crossover IN your speakers which I do not see in the instructions so you are actually bi-wiring here apparently. Just so you know the diff. Hope I am not confused by your instructions.

Sincerely, I remain
The instructions looked like bi-amping instructions to me (e.g. removal of jumpers).