Mark Levinson No.383 How good is it ?

How musical is the Mark Levinson No.383,and how well does it mate with the Magnepan 1.6QR's. Would I regret this purchase down the road. I also would purchase the ML 390S CD player along with their No. 25S phono and power supply. All feedback before I make this purchase would be appreciated.

--- Clennon
Your question is a bit like asking: will I regret buying a Mercedes 600? If you can afford it, the chances are you will love it, and have a wonderful, long-term investment. (I look at all Mark Levinson products as an investment.)

The only issue I'd raise regards the mating with the Maggie 1.6's. The 383 is a lot more amp (in terms of quality) than the 1.6's really need, although the Maggies should shine with this pairing. Over time, your listening interests may be best served by upgrading the speakers -- maybe to the Maggie 3.6's if you want to stay with electrostatics.

To be honest, I have never lived with a Mark Levinson amp -- only listened to them in dealer rooms, and with a friend who owns an earlier model. I have, however, followed ML products for more than 30 years as a serious hobbyist, and they are certainly in the Mercedes-Benz 600 class.
I have a 383 matched up to my Hales Trancendence 5's and
it's the best sound I've had from my system. The 383 sounds
a lot more powerful than it's 100 wpc rating. This is my
first Levinson product and I am very impressed with both
the quality and sound. I would think the 383 and 390 CD
player would be a match made in heaven!
You will regret if you don't buy them.
I have no.383 with no.39 which make me always at home and i was thinking about upgrade to no.390.

One more thing,you can save 1 interconnect or 2 interconnects(if you buy CD/DAC combo).

I agree that Mark Levinson stuff are Mercedes-Benz 600 Class.

Simple is the best ! Good Luck !
You may have already seen this if you are researching the 383, but there is a review at They loved it, and gave it a Reviewer's Choice Award. I also remember reading about it in Stereophile, which also gave it a great review. Based on the reviews, and comments from actual owners, it seems to be a serious instrument with serious sound.

For integrateds in this price range, I would also be looking at the Rowland Concentra II, or maybe the new MAC MA6900.