Help needed.

OK - I was originally going to purchase a C.J. Premier 18 Pre-Amp based on the suggestions of a local high end audio dealer. This Sunday - I brought back my test disks to listen and my purchase decision had changed drastically.

The Premier 18 sounded fabulous on the mids - warm and sweet. However, the highs were a little bright for my taste - almost harsh of Reference Recordings "Pomp and Pipes" The bass also seemed lacking quite a bit on Reference Recordings "Tutti" disk - Stravinski Fire Bird.

Next we moved on to a Krell KRC-3 - while the Bass was more present, it still didn't feel right. The highs were strident and ringy - especially on "Pomp and Pipes" and Wynton Marsalis - "Music for Baroque Trumpet" (a 24 bit recording).

However...we then hooked up a C.J. PV-14L and the magic started happening. The mids were warm and sweet - just the way I like them. But now the bass (esp. the Bass Drum slams in the Fire Bird) - felt penetrating (how the Tube CJ did this better than the Krell I don't know). The highs were also very nice - in fact this pre made me want to listen to more and more.

So my questions - what have you all heard about the CJ PV-14L? Am I making a mistake? Should I listen to other pre's before making the plunge into tubes? What should I know about tubes before making the plunge - as I have no 'tube' experience at all.

Any help from the group will be appreciated!

Thanks first to all the advice you all have given.

I will be borrowing th PV-14L this weekend from the Audio Store to give it a whirl in my own system - although the set up at the store was the same as my own - with one difference I have B&W 803 Matrix II's and the store had N803's hooked up. I am looking forward towards some long listening!

I have heard/seen other tube pre's. The Audible Illusions Line 1 and 2 - can someone tell me why 2 volume controls??? The models I looked at also had no remote - yeah yeah I know but I want one.

I can honestly say the one set up I really could not stand was a Levinson set up. Also hooked up to some N803's - the sound never got out of the boxes - no matter how loud.

One thing I did want to know often do you replace pre-amp tubes? and with what tubes do you replace them with - stock tubes or something else?

Again - thanks for all the help!

Erik: Sounds like a good dealer. I think the AI has two volume pots, one for each channel (like my Jadis) instead of a balance pot. Don't be embarassed about the remote, it certainly should factor into your thinking. As far as how long the tubes last, I think C-J should be able to tell you their estimate, which should give you a good idea, but I'd expect at least a couple of years from them. I've left my Jadis on almost continuously for the past year and a half with no great sound loss, although I use NOS Telefunkens, well known for their longevity and it's usually the powering up that wears tubes out more. I wouldn't worry about tube-rolling yet, particularly if you enjoy the sound of the preamp with its stock tubes. Live with it for a while, then when it's time to change tubes check the various threads here and on Audio Asylum regarding tubes, I'm sure there have been a lot of suggestions for the CJ preamps. I'm sure C-J will also keep its own pre-selected tubes available for purchase from them as well. Good luck!

Excellent advice re: taking that specific unit rather than a "new one." Bravo!
Not enough info... What were the speakers, source and amp? What size room? What are you using now?
Whatjd and others...

I am almost embarassed to tell you what I'm using now...but...

I have B&W 803 II Matrix speakers
Sansui G-5000 receiver - (this is leaving very soon)
Rotel 971 CD
Straight Wire Rhapsody II Interconnects and Speaker Cable

I bought a Krell KAV-250a last month so the Pre-Amp (what ever brand or model is ends up being) is needed to finish my basic system - I have plans for other units in the future (noteably some sort of Magnum Dynalab tuner :-)

My room size is 16.5' by 16.5' - square. Room treatment in medium furiture with pleated fabric on all 4 walls. Floors are hard wood with a 6'x9' oriental rug in the center of the room.

I like odd combinations of sonics: up-front and present but not schreechy or ringy. Precise highs, warm natural mids and penetrating but not boomy bass. I play pipe organ and direct chorale music so I listen to a lot or organ and choral CD's as well as a good deal of symphonic things.

Hope this helps all the curious and leads to some interesting ideas and thoughts....
