Power amplifier for NHT 2.5i speakers?

I want to upgrade from a Parasound HCA-1000A power amp for a pair of NHT 2.5i speakers.
Hello, I have found that the McCormack DNA.05 Deluxe is a great match. If you can biamp with them it is even better but then you probably have a disproportionate amount of money invested in amps for them. I have also run them with Mission Cyrus 2, YBA Integre DT, and Mesa Tigris. I favored the McCormack overall with the Cyrus II next. Good Luck! Dave
Thanks for the responses so far. I've tried to stay away from budgetary concerns since I wanted to Feel users approach in this concern.
I forgot to mention that my (living and dining) room is about 14.5 ft. by 24 ft. The speakers are located along one of the narrow walls. There are two wide windows (like 6 ft. each) in one of the long walls. Now the room opens up into the kitchen at the opposite side of where the speakers stand. It is a 7 ft. wide opening that extends around 11 ft. from the side wall and it is the kitchen. But the room also opens up into a corridor adjacent to the kitchen and around 4 ft. wide.
Adding to the above paragrarh, the ceiling is at 8 ft. high. The construction is concrete slabs with glued parket flooring. Walls are sheetrock on metal studs.
Hello, I've used the 2.5i as well as the 2.9 for about 3 years now and have had excellent results w/ a multitude of amp/preamp combos. the amps that seem to work ther best are those typically w/a high dampning factor. The Bryston 4BST has very worked well . Another amp thats worked very well and typically found well under $1K here on Audigon is the MUSE 160.
One thing I've found is that a decent Tube preamp goes a long way in tamming the highs in the NHT's , suggestion here might be an ANTHEM PRE 1L or even better A SONIC FRONTIERS SFL-1 both can be had around $ 500.
Hope this helps