Placette pre amp

I don't have a pre-amp yet and I'm not sure if I should get one. I am waiting to decide whether to buy a cd player with a volume control or to get a passive pre-amp. What would be the difference in sound? I have tube amps (Legend Audio Design) and love the sound of them, but their pre-amp doesn't have a volume remote, which I really want. If I get a passive preamp or cd player with a volume control will I lose the sound of the Legends? I know there has been a lot of discussion about passives but still not sure what to do. Does anybody own the Placette (or any other passive) and what does it do to the sound versus having an active pre-amp or cd directly into the amps? I don't own a turntable right now, but will be getting one down the road, so I may need a pre-amp?
I will contact Placette and talk to them about my system and see what they have to say. If I can try it and return it if I don't like it I don't have anything to lose, so will be contacting them shortly. Thanks
i have the placette volume control with cary audio 805C monobloc sound great, before i have a Hovland100-pre
Smw- Marakenetz has some good points- that guy knows what he is talking about! That being said, My Audio Aero Capitole CDP has I believe ~ a 4v output- quite strong actually. It is driving my 300B's nicely (although they have been totally rebuilt and insanely modded) there is no 'sluggishness' in these babies whatsoever- using a gutsy tube like the KR 300BXLS helps as well as a very efficient speaker...

Must admit to being curious about the Placette though- can adding a passive preamp actually give me any benefits?? hmmm.....
I don't believe so Sutts. I have the Capitole and a Placette passive (just the insides actually, not the official box - anyone want it?) and there is no way it improves things. It just does the job with minimal damage. The active Placette is another thing altogether, and I highly recommend it, but not as a way to improve the Capitole.
I have decided to go with the Legend pre-amp and if I absolutely have to have a remote volume, I will try the Placette passive remote volume control. I have put a lot of thought into my system before I bought each piece of equipment, and decided from all the information I received, that this would be the best course of action. My speakers are not real sensitive (Dahlquist 20I - I think they are 88 or 89 decibels) and they are supposed to be hard to drive, so I think I better have a pre-amp. I will have to get a phono pre-amp when I play records, but that will be a ways down the road. Thanks again for the input, it was a big help.