Best KT88's for an Mc 2000 ? Any suggestions

I have a Mc 2000 that uses Kt88's. I can buy a extra set of eight from Mcintosh for 1K or I can shop around. Anyone have good or bad experience with a particular manufacturer. I just want to have some spares on hand for when the inevitable happens.
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I have a pair of VAC PA-160 mkII's, individual bias pots for each output valve. According to Kevin Hayes at VAC, matched is not necessary when valves are individually biased. I buy matched sets anyhow, it's an anal thing I guess.
If I'm not mistaken, the VAC kt-88's are from the same factory that Golden Dragons were produced in.
I just have to back up bobgates when he sings the praises of the Tesla (new improved) KT-88's! -also from Steve at Quest for Sound. They seriously bettered the 6550C Svetlanas in my Aronov 110w Monos powering Gallo Nucleus Reference Spkrs. More "air" , slightly clearer mids, and no slackards in the bass - formerly what I had heard was the province of the 6550C's.
-Thanks Steve, credit where credit is due.