NAD takes on the Krell Beast 1800 vs 6700??

My friend has a Adcom 700 CDP,Krell KBL linestage,NAD S-200 amp 225wpc.Diva 6.1 speakers 88ohmHis friend is selling a Krell KSA-250 250+ wpcWe listened to the Krell for one day then the next day the NAD.The Krell was run balanced with a Transparent Audio Super Link power cord.The NAD was run unbalanced with the stock power cord.The Krell had tactile kick drum slam,clear highs and very clean mids.The soundstage was wide but lacked depth.I was surprised at the flat soundstage.Imaging was so,so.Overall it sounded boring.With the NAD the very first thing I noticed is how it almost sounded 'tube like'.It was smoother and warmer.The soundstage was not quite as wide as the Krell but it had real depth.Imaging way better.The NAD won hands down.WHY??
Oh,one more thing I forgot to mention.
I ended up selling the Krell on this site for the owner of the amp.
I had to list it twice to sell it.
I provided detailed pics of this amp that was/is in mint shape.
The owner (who thinks Krell is the last word) had me list it for $2900..The second listing (after I talked him down) was for $2400.He ended getting $2000 for it.
Lots of $2000 amps out there brand new that are at least as good as the Krell.Some people buy the name though.pity.
Socrates, the thread was started to talk junk, what part of talking junk don't you understand. Maybe you should get one, you know, put it up against your amp and give us all a report on which blows which away. The audio world is always on look-out for posts on these GIANT KILLERS, I should do a post on my Onkyo M-504 amp, after all it will blow the doors off some of the high-end amps I read about right here on audiogon. How about this: Onkyo takes on the PS AUDIO BEAST! The post was a TROLL post (or) David99 needs to be the one to Actually listen. I would say that the AMAZING Krell owners you speak of do listen, thats why they bought the Krell. The NAD may be a fine amp but would run out of steam and sound very bad in my system long before my Krell.
Dear DAVID, You should be smart enough to take your old systems off of audiogon, is that to hard for you to do? I could care less what a troll like you thinks, your the one that said you drive the HYANDAI so you could have your system, I took that info. from your post-Dahhh. Lots of audio forums out there smart guy, get off your butt and do a search for Aleph 3, is that to hard for you? Why did you get rid of such a great amp, did you have to ask the members here if it was OK? I see from your posts that you had to ask if it was OK to buy it, kind of strange for a guy who changes gear as often as you must. I'll give you a year, we'll see another system listed under David99 (don't forget to take the old ones out-Dahhh vern) Why don't you have your good friend help you set up a system, I could give you some advice if that would help. BTW, thanks for the Pity, TROLLBOY.
No,this thread was not started to be a 'troll' post.
All I wrote is what I experienced.
Why are Krell owners so defensive?
If you were secure with your Krell I dont think you would be so defensive.
When I think of Krell,I think of Bose.
Over priced and over hyped.
If you dont mind paying for the the very high cost of marketing and ads for your Krell (like Bose) thats your business.But try not to be so insecure and defensive.Its all too obvious.
sogood51... "David99 needs to be the one to actually listen" I did listen.
Oh, one more thing I forgot to mention. Your friend must be smarter than you! He's still got the GIANT KILLER and you've got what you've got.