Powerful Integrated Amp for Inefficient Speakers

I've got a nice pair of Linn Sara 9 Isobariks, but they don't seem to be getting enough power from my YBA Integre integrated amp with Cardas Power Cord. The only associated equipment are an original Rega Planet and MIT Terminator 2 bi-wire, which I'm happy with.

This is a second system and I don't plan to use anything other than the Rega CDP. Does anyone have any recommendations for a "musical" integrated amp with some muscle to run my Saras?
I just bought an NAD S300 Silver Series integrated amp
that is rated at 100 wpc, but sounds like a lot more.
It's driving my Hales T-5's and sounds better than the
Krell 250i I used previously. They're discontinued, but
I've seen several listed for around $1200.
I second the Plinius. I'm using it to run Revel m-20s. These aren't the most efficient speakers.... 87db I think, but the Plinius runs them quite well. I've seen these amps here on AA for 2k or less. One caveat, my system is in a small to medium-sized room, so keep that in mind. But the amp has a lot of power, and I can play these speakers as loud as I want without any trouble..... except hearing loss.

Hope that helps,
