what did I do? channel hiss in McCormack DNA 0.5.

I was swapping preamps with the DNA 0.5, got a loud noise, and now there is an audible hiss from the left channel. I hear it on soft music or when I'm not playing anything. I don't hear it on louder stuff. Then, the music sounds great! I don't know what I did, but I know I wasn't careful. What's it sound like the problem could be? What should I do to find out/ fix it? Can I do any troubleshooting on my own, or is it best left to the pros?



Put the original pre-amp back into the chain - Is the noise present?

If so - most likely the amp

If not - most likely the new pre-amp

If the original pre-amp is not available try this -

switch the interconnects at the amplifier end only (ie right to left input and left to right input)

Is the noise present in either channel? - if not, could be a grounding issue with the interconnect.

Is the noise in the left channel? - if so, most likely the amp.

Is the noise in the right channel - if so, most likely the pre-amp.

Hope this helps
You might have jarred the connection loose on an interconnect or the input jack on the amp. Not that uncommon. Do the basic troubleshooting procedures that are mentioned above and in other threads and try and track the problem down. Power amps should always be turned off or at least muted as a safety measure when hooking / unhooking cabling. Otherwise, one very quick and simple mistake can take a BIG toll on your system and wallet. Sean
The amp was on when I changed cables. I tried switching the left cable into the right channel and vice versa, and I still got the hiss from the left channel, so I think it's in the amp - and I tried another amp the other day, and the hiss was absent. With this amp, there's always a hiss if your ear is right next to the tweeter. But you can hear the hiss on the left speaker a few feet away. I have a feeling I messed something up in the amp, and I don't know who I should contact about it. I bought the amp used here. I could talk to Steve McCormack, a local store who carries this line, or someone else.



The best test is to hook the amp up to your speakers and use shorting plugs, RCA plugs where the ground and hot are connected, at the input of the amp, no preamp at all. If you cannot purchase these plugs then just buy some RCA jacks at Radio Shack and solder the two internal parts together. If you hear hiss it is surely in the amp.