odyssey amp's how do they compare to others

are other amp's just over priced? could most people tell one amp from another if it was covered with a cardboard box?the stratos seem to get rave reveiws.am I just crazy to send more money on other move expensive amps.thanks in advance to everybody this is a great website
Thorty40, point well taken. And I've heard this point many times before. And because of what I think I know, I have in the past and do agree with you now at least to a very good extent.

However, I kinda' bounce back and forth. For example, when somebody says a product is highly suspiscious and no good, and I've heard nothing but the contrary, then I'll use those same reviews to substantiate my opinion. Even though I don't put much weight into the reviews.

Good point though.

Oh, well. It's just a hobby and 50 years from now it won't matter to me anyway.
The weight of any given reviewers "golden ears" just irks (spelling?) me to a certain extent at times. I understand the urge to feel weary of any products with an undue amount of hype but when its hype from the consumer audio community it seems to be more sincere than the acceptance of any given reviewer.
Not to say that I never read the mags, I do and I occansionally enjoy articles and the comments of certain reviewers at times.

This hobby gets so silly sometimes, I guess the controversy is needed at times in order to generate insightful input to others interested. But at any rate, good listening and always use your own judgment in the end.

Best Regards,

I've had my Odyssey Stratos Monoblocks for about a year now. They replaced an Onkyo M-508 and an Onkyo M-504. I think they sound fantastic. Made my system sound so much more detailed and musical than it did. In the past 5 months I've also purchased an Odyssey Stratos HT-3,an Odyssey Tempest preamp and Groneburg Quatro Ref speaker cables and I/C's. I've been very impressed with all the products that I've purchased from Odyssey. And their customer service I'm also impressed with. Klaus cares about his products and his customers. And his feelings are genuine. You can't teach that to someone. You either have it or you don't. Enjoy the music!!
I guess a brick is just going to have too fall from the sky to wake some people up. I have talk with alot of people in the past 10 months concerning, Amps, Preamps, Cables, and Source. and through all the dealings and talk with theses people,(From All Ear Leavels Of Audio) only one person had brought the topic of theses amps up. I have unpacked and packed 6 different brands of amps in the past 10 months before I found a amp (IMO) that was worth its stay in my home. My point here is, if this amp is so damn good, then why was there only one person that even brought this so called jewel into play? Where are all the reviewers from Audioreview living?? On the moon? under the ocean? Why has none of the audio stores I have bought from or listeners I have bought from or sold to ever brought this brand into play? Now at 75 reviwes (ty for the update Killerpiglet)
on a new product thats is claimed to be so good, where are the people who switch out audio gear as much as we gas up are cars? "Think About It"
As for me, I'll stay with my new found love (Clayton M100's) and know that what I paid for was not a victum of an over blown marketing game. As for Stehno, How could you recommend something to someone you have not even heard yourself?

Good luck Nikonf in your quest for a new amp.
So is there a better amp than Odyssey at this price point? Just trying to get people further into the topic at hand.