Why no threads on OTL amps?

I looked through the old thread list and didn't find anything on OTL amps. How come? Does nobody like them? Is there something wrong with them? Would you buy/notbuy one, and why? If you would buy one, which one do you like best? I always thought OTL was the best, but there doesn't seem to be much interest here on this forum for them.
A little surprised not to have noticed Atma-Spheres on this thread. Compared to the other amps I have owned, tube or solid-state, the MA-2's have outperformed all in nearly every category. Bottom slam, midrange transparency, and extension up top...all beautiful and musical. This, of course, is with the system I have assembled. Avalon Eidelon, Jadis preamp, CEC/ Audio Note digital, Clearaudio TT, FIM cable. I have enjoyed many systems, but none for as long or as consistently as that which I have forementioned.

Reliability has so far been a non-issue. The 220 watts/ channel offers more than enough juice. The heat generated is something else. My room must increase a good 8-10 degrees. Great in winter, but summer....

I have not compared to other OTL's but reports on performance carries similar subjective remarks. A cleansing in clarity, bringing the listening experience closer to the recording venue. Must be heard in a well designed system.
Let me join Siddh in praise of Atma-Sphere OTL's, neglected in most of this thread. I'm using a pair of M60 II.2's with half their output tubes removed, with Quad ESL 63's, whose impedance drops as low as 4 ohms though is mostly closer to 7. The point being, that's high enough. Not the 16 ohms some OTL's may need. Reliability is fine too. I did an odd experiment, using a Pass Aleph 3 as a monoblock (input and output both paralleled) for one speaker and a M60 II.2 for the other. There was nothing clearly wrong with the Aleph 3 sound, as I switched back and forth on good mono material, but I preferred the warmth of the M60 II.2 sound every time. I wasn't giving up anything, detail, transparency, certainly not palpability if we may speak of that, as far as I could tell. That made me decide I was a tube person for life.
The Berning ZH-270 is just a marvelous amplifier that can drive many speakers with ease. This amp is very musical, quiet, and has lots of drive! The ZH-270 is revolutionary and best described by Thorty40 and Kenl. I love my ZH-270 and would only consider replacing my present system with a Seigfried or Art Audio amp with a high efficiency horn speaker.
C'mon, where are the Graaf and Croft people? And how about the Transcendance folks?