Tube Pre-amps for audition list

Plan to mate a tube preamp with a McCormack DNA-225 and PSB Stratus Goldi speakers. Also, am into vinyl and have a Lehmann Black cube, but am open to replacing it with a pre/phono combo if that seems best. Figure I'd like a tube pre to tame the very slight brightness of the McCormack. I find that I prefer a pre with remote but am, again, open. Have considered AI Modulus 3A, Blue Circle BC3, and Rouge 99. What would any of you suggest to make the short list for audition? Can spend about $1500 USED. Thanks.
If going with a McCormack product, the TLC-1 pre is the better choice although you'll also need the external phono stage. It will take some digging to find one with remote; their deluxe version was made with remote. I once had this full lineup: McC Phono stage, TLC-1 Dx -R, DNA-1 Deluxe. It was a good combo at a good price.
I totally disagree with the previous comments regarding Bryston BP-25. I've owned one for two years, and I'm just now selling it because I went to a BAT VK-30. The tubes are just slightly warmer with more air than the BP-25, which in itself is definitely on the warm side, far from "brutally honest." The Bryston is a superb product, very solidly constructed, and sounds quite musical. It does not possess the sweet openness of better tube equipment, but it is probably the equal of lesser tube gear, and far sweeter than most SS. It will never need to be fussed with. It is quiet as electronics can get. It mates very well with SS amps.
Thanks to all. A couple more to consider for the shortlist. I am curious as to no mention from anyone of Audio Research gear. (?)
I am using a McCormack DNA 1,with a Rogue 99 and psb stratus golds. I think its a great trio for the $. The Rogue is a new purchase, and was a nice step up from my old Conrad Johnson pv10a. As someone prior said, the Rogue has a nice phono stage, remote and head phone jack. As an added bonus, the customer service from Rogue is excellent. Have fun shopping. (this is supposed to be fun isnt it?) Mike
Lets face it, The McCormack amp will jump out an " get " you if your not careful. Any tube preamp is going to quiet it down some, as well as give it a sweeter sound and more depth. I once had the DNA-1 and I tryed the CJ PV-12, VAC CLA-1, and the BAT VK-5. All of them hepled to tone down the DNA-1 and give it better everything. But then one day I hooked up a cheap tube amp to one of the tube preamps. I was totaly blown away! Yes I lost a bit of bass, but everything else came to life. Do yourself a favor, go listen to a all tube setup.
