Which is better, Lex. DC 1 or Theta Casanova

Would like opinions from those who have auditioned both. I am 60/40 music over HT. Thank you.
Drop the DC1 from consideration for music--It digitizes all analog inputs. I compared it directly to two other cheaper pre/pros and the DC1 finished dead last in 2-channel(great for surround though).

Personally I think a better way to go, if music is your priority, is to get something like a $500 Outlaw A/V receiver for HT processing and buy a high-quality stereo preamp to run your front channels for critical 2-channel listening. If you get a stereo preamp with an HT passthrough feature it will seamlessly integrate with the Outlaw so you can easily switch between HT and stereo by simply pushing a button. These are available from companies such as McCormack, Adcom, C-J, ARC, Levinson/Proceed, VAC, Rogue, BAT, etc. Pre/pros that do a good job with stereo are pricey and you'll have to sweat future upgrades.

Here's an example: Pick up an Adcom GFP-750 stereo preamp(Stereophile Class A) for around $1200 and the Outlaw for a total cost of $1700. You'll get decent HT processing and true high-end, 2-channel performance that you'd have to spend $6000 or more on a pre/pro to begin to match. Just a thought on another way to go. Best of luck.

From all that I've read, the DC-1 is nothing more than middle-of-the-road at best and the MC-1 was suppose to be much better but even that one is B-rated sonically by Stereophile.

If you're looking for a musical pre/pro, there is certainly better out there than the DC-1.
I've owned a Theta Casa-Nova for about a year. With the right everything else in place it sounds pretty good. I can honestly say I don't crave another pre-amp, though I have been known to fantasize about the Casa Blanca II with extreme dacs from time to time :^)