BAT VK-5i more tube-like than new VK-50SE?

I just purchased a Krell FPB 600C and am looking for a good pre-amp. As I search through the forum, couple names kept popping up. One is BAT VK-5i and VK50SE, and the other is Sonic Frontier Line 3. One audiogon member said not to get the 50SE because you are paying a premium to get a solid state sound, and suggested to stay with the VK-5i. Can any one share some of their experience with me? I like a warm lush sound with a bit of bite.
I own the 5i. It is definitely more lush and warmer sounding than the 50SE. The 50SE is considerably more transparent. I would not describe the 50SE as sounding solid state at all. It is very evenly balanced yes, but also has the tube magic of 'presence' & instrument timbre.
I own 5i and had a bad luck trying to mate it to Krell KAV amp. FPB of cause is a different animal …
Now I have it in all BAT system and couldn’t be happier. It doesn’t mean that you couldn’t use BAT pre with different brand amps, but IMHO when trying to mix and match components at these price levels audition in your own system is a must.
"Warm lush sound with a bit of bite"

Reading that I'd say the 50SE would be right up your alley!
I have one, and am more than pleased with it. As to the 5i,
it would be a bit more "tubey" than the 50SE. I have a VK3i on another system, and the tube euphonics of the 3i match the rest of that system to a T. I find that BAT preamps, up and down the line are excellent value.
I have been using a VK-50SE for about 15 months. Compare with the 5i, the 50SE is much more dynamic and transparent. I particularly like its layered 3D soundstage which, when playing large orchestra or pipe organ, produces a kind of grandness that 5i lacks. The 50SE does require a very long break-in period. When it was new, it sounded like a bad solid state. It became more acceptable after a couple hundred hours. And now, after more than 2000 hours, I won't tread it for anything else.

I agree with Nar_com. At this price level you really should audition it in your own system. My taste may be different from yours.
I am thinking to get either BAT VK-5i or VK-50SE for my ARC-VT100? Are they work well with ARC VT-100? Your comments will be greatly appreciated.