Need advise for my current system.......

I'm planning to upgrade my system, but which one I have to let go or I have to keep .........
cause, I don't have many chances to listen another gears.
I'm more toward to digital harsh and high than analog smooth.
Thanks for the advise guys!!

Meridian 518(preamp),
meridian 500(transport),
Theta Pro Basic IIIa(D/A)
Acurus amp
B&W Speaker series 500(I really don't have any idea what series is this, got them from Grandmom)
I'm with Artemus, Stehno, and Glen on this one;>) (seriously). Cheers. Craig
Thanks for the great advise !
I'm thinking about getting Krell Power Amp or Mcintosh(MC 7270) around $1500 budget.
As usual, I have no idea about Power-Amp either.
Once I had a chance to listen the Krell Amp.......Hmm.
Mcintosh ?..... maybe I'm crazy about the blue meters.. ^^
so, I need you guys help again.
Again.. thanks for the advise Guys!
Dadlia, check out the Odyssey Stratos amps at There you will all the reviews on this amp. It sells for $995 or fully loaded for $1095 and it should blow away any other near it's price range. The Absolute Sound gave it Golden Ear Award last year. International Audio Review rated it the second best solid state amp in 1999.

They also come with a 20 warranty. And you can order a pair in monoblock versions for around $2100.

I've never heard but I have two friends who bought them and love them.