Opinions on Classe Amps?

Looking at the 301....Speakers are Legacy Sig III,s , Preamp is an Integra RDC-7. Thanks.
I just ordered the 301s, running Sonus Faber speakers. Dynamic, detailed and goes loud without strain, excellent on blues and jazz. I compared the 301s with the Classe CA 400 and the 301s just had more control and power on the backburner. Maybe they had to do with the new omega-based design. The 400 was more tubey, warmer and a bit better on vocals, but I was looking for an amp that could be cranked for both music and home theater, which I believe would suit your Integra.
Classe makes great stuff. I had a CA-200 driving a pair of Legacy Classics, was very happy with the combo. Warm and musical, especially for solid state. Since the upgrade bug hit, I have neither anymore. Currently I have a Threshold T400 driving a pair of Vienna Acoustic Beethovens, but I still have a Classe CP-60 preamp and a CDP1 CD player.

Try a search in the forums. There has been lot's of discussions on Classe amps. Since I have one for sale I won't comment.
I once owned the CA301, thought is was pretty good until a friend "loaned" me his Innersound ESL.

The ESL "killed" the CA301, in every single parameter. This was most noticable with my M.L. Requests, but was also apparent on a pair of Hale T5's.

Just a thought & observation... -- you might want to audition the ESL before buying the Classe.

Good luck!