s.s. preamp matchup to mccomack dna1 rev.a

I am currently using a sonic frontiers line 2 preamp with siemens tubes and a mccormack amp. My problem is my system sounds too soft or polite. Has anyone experienced a good ss preamp with their mccormack amp
what about an old McCormack TLC1? There was a synergy going on there when I heard them. Right now, I use a Purest Sound Systems passive control unit with a DNA 0.5, and I'm happy with the match. Before doing anything, I say take Garfish's cable/IC suggestion. I've considered dumping components before when ICs, speaker cables were the issue.
I'd check your cable compatibility also.I use my DNA 1 rev A with a Pass Labs Aleph L with fantastic results.
If you're not after embellishment you might do well to check out Placette preamps--very, very transparent and reasonable if you can go passive.
