Innersound ESL amplifier - good choice?

I am considering the Innersound ESL amp for my maggie 1.6QR's.
Does anyone have experience with this amp?
Is it really as good as TAS says?
I do not see many people commenting on them and I normally like tube amps but want to keep my speakers. My Rogue Magnum 120's do not have enough power and dynamic range for these speakers. I have the Magnum 99 pre as well.
Any comments or suggestions would be appreciated.
Thank you everyone who has help me on Audigon in the past.

Thank you for your views. Can we talk? I am wondering who you are and where your shop is located.

Phil Jolett

I spoke with Duke and he seems very knowledgeable and straight forward. He thinks the Plinius is very good as well. Have you heard the Plinius (any of them) and what did you think? I am in the middle of really listening to the Innersound with its own wire and maybe at the end of this week I will compare both wires on both amps. I will let you know.
I have to agree that Duke is very knowledgeable and a straight shooter. He allowed me to audition the Innersound amp at his shipping expense, no deposit required, and would have even paid for the return shipping! I can't speak more highly of Duke. I've never auditioned any of the Plinius products but I too think that the Innersound may be more bang for the buck. Are you auditioning the Innersound ic's? I've been curious about them and have been thinking of comparing my Coincident cst ic's to them. Looking forward to your results with the wires.
I know that Maggies are designed with SS, so we can expect (respect) that synergy, but has anyone thought of the Berning ZH270 ($4K retail)? Its a one-box OTL that drove the hell out of some Acoustat 1+1's I heard - apart from Apogee Scintillas, a speaker recognized as a bear to drive, and a 'stat to boot. Also, since tube, you can experiment with different input tubes to your harmonic taste. The Berning has a very loyal following (see the thread going on now) and it is imminently preferable to the Innersound. If I was you, Philojet, I'd A/B the Plinius, Electrocomp. mentioned, and the Berning. After that, I'd run to buy a Supratek Triode Syrah pre ($2200)... and never look back. Good luck.
thanks ASA,
it is just difficult to audition an amp without buying it and there are not many dealers near me. I will listen to the Plinius as that seems to be the main amp people prefer and am leaning that way right now. I used to have a Berning EA230 driving my original Quads. It was pretty tuneful. Quite frankly after having a power tube go out on the Rogue I am thinking I may not want tubes anymore for the power amp (plus I am cheap). I do not know if the Electrocomaniet has enough power, I am looking for more than the average volume and dynamic range, I would like to hear one though. Also the Rogue pre amp has a nice phono section, remote control volume and I like the service they provide. I know it can be beat but I do not even think of it being in the system, I does not attract attention to itself, so I feel it will do (nicely at that). Thanks again for your thoughtful comments, they are appreciated. Like I said before, now is not the time to spare my feelings, I would like all the details BEFORE I buy.
