SS amps. Why so much power?

I though that there was so much tube amp talk on this page lately, I'd put up a SS thread. Why do so many people buy the big SS amps that have 200,300,500 watts of power? Is it because the speaker you want is inefficient and you need lots of power, or do you need to play real loud? Or is it a status thing, like my amp's bigger than your amp, or what? Do you buy a big amp first, and then look for a speaker with high power handling? Or do you pick a low efficiency speaker you like and then look for a big amp to drive it? Do you subscribe to the idea that if you have alot of watts, the amp will sound better at lower volumes? I've noticed that the majority of AudiogoNers go with high power SS amps and low efficiency speakers. What gives?
Twl, my speakers are quite inefficient and the more the power the better they sing. My amp is rated at 600 wpc into 4 ohm loads. Not the most powerful, but certainly not the weakest. I purchased the speakers before the amp.

My previous amp was a nice amp in so many ways and rated at 195 wpc into 8 ohms. But I could tell that the lower regions seemed to be compressing a little at about 1/3rd full volume.

I believe the system will sound better at low volumes if the amp is designed well, has the power reserves, and if the AC electrical has been configured so as not to choke the AC power needed for the amp during dynamic swings i.e. a dedicated circuit/line.

I rarely play my system loud. But its nice to listen knowing that the system has the necessary elements to play at any volume without fear of strain, congestion, compression, etc..
Kind of like having a Corvette,it's nice to know you can do 165 if you need to?
Better to have it and not need it, than need it and not have it. It probably depends how low of frequency your speakers are capable of too. As lower notes require substantially more power. Remember, more speaker drivers bite the dust from low powered amps than high powered amps.