Amps get all the thunder, what about preamps?

Amps seem to get a lot of discussion. If I were to ask opinions on a great amp for 2K to 2.5k used, we all could list several very good amps, I know several come to my mind.

On the other had, I draw a blank with preamps. I would like to lower the bar to $1500-$2000, used, for preamps; what are your favorites in this range?
Well I've tried quite a few over the years. If you can find a good used CAT preamp in your price budget, I seriously doubt you'll be dissapointed...especially if you consder ther tube alternatives. These tube pre's seem to work well with either solid state or tube amps as well.
Another highly touted pre, which you can find at around $1300-1100 range used, are the Audible Illusions mod 3a. These pre's are all Class A rated, very high end performance, etc However the Audible seems to do best with tube amps for impedance matching.
I've used/owned Audio Research LS16's, Sonic Frontiers Line 1/L-2, etc, Pass Labs pre's, and others as well.
However, the CAT's are my personal fav's. My MKIII, which has served me well, is simply world class.
Good luck
I second the CAT and add (used within the price range) YBA1, Goldmund 7, for speed & resolution. The CAT III is difficult to beat; also, in line form, a III can be modded to Ultimate status... an added bonus for those who seek an even better RF/mains noise rejection.
I should of noted that I am not in the market, I was asking more out of curiousity.