Amps get all the thunder, what about preamps?

Amps seem to get a lot of discussion. If I were to ask opinions on a great amp for 2K to 2.5k used, we all could list several very good amps, I know several come to my mind.

On the other had, I draw a blank with preamps. I would like to lower the bar to $1500-$2000, used, for preamps; what are your favorites in this range?
I third the CAT, very tough to beat in this price range used. I would also consider the Counterpoint SA-11 and the ARC SP-10 Mk2 a wonderfully musical full range pre-amp. To my ears their absolute best effort along with the LS-5, no phono stage with that one though.

With upgraded parts all the above would compete with anything currently available.
I haven't heard CAT. I'll try to find one for a listen. Right now I am using an Aleph P and love it. The Aleph replaced a Sonic Frontiers Line 1. On my system the SF was slightly chalky dry in the mids. Should have taken the review seriously on that one.

Getting back to the question, the pre is very important. If your amp isn't clipping, the pre is just as important, but so are all the other components.
Are you interested in a traditional pre-amp with a phono stage? Do you have specific MM and/or MC requirements? If not for a little more money a used TacT might offer the biggest bang for the buck.
Three votes for CAT preamp's, impressive, where do these stand in comparison to the "Deal of the Century" Supratek? Do either of these have remote?
No pre-amp is best pre-amp! Check this link, and with some "elbow grease" you might end up with best kept secret in audio complimenting your amp!?