Amps get all the thunder, what about preamps?

Amps seem to get a lot of discussion. If I were to ask opinions on a great amp for 2K to 2.5k used, we all could list several very good amps, I know several come to my mind.

On the other had, I draw a blank with preamps. I would like to lower the bar to $1500-$2000, used, for preamps; what are your favorites in this range?
Yes indeed Brian - what about preamps? The pre is ONLY the most important component in an audio system.
Some may run without one & thinking that they're better off, but they may or may not be getting all of the performance possible from their singular source. If you have multiple sources then a preamp is practically mandatory, unless you like fussing around with changing cables all the time. I don't.
The pre should be the best component in your rig & can easily be the most expensive part thereof. Passives can be less expensive than actives; compromises in favor of either approach can go either way. But you still want the best pre possible so as to not limit the quality being delivered by your sources. If the amp is better than the pre then it's not going to make the sound much better, & in fact can have the effect of better demonstrating the marginality of compromised incoming signal quality. Yet, as you say, they are often overlooked & are therefor compromised, limiting many a system that could in fact be much better than it appears to be capable of being.
Anybody have any experience with the proceed gear. thinkinmg about the proceed avp2 pre and was wondering what we think abou the matching amps
I also concur with Bob Bundas with the pre being the most important link in the chain. Brian, the CAT doesn't have a remote. With the Supratek it is optional. As to which is better, I'll let you know in a few months when I receive my Supratek "Sarah". The CAT has no discernable weaknesses and must be considered among the best. Some may find it a bit lacking in warmth but I feel it is presents the signal in more of an unbiased or flavored manner than others including the 2 I've mentioned above. "Musical" is another matter. It is but some may find a warmer, richer or darker sound more to their liking.

Amps may get the thunder but ONLY if they are matched with the proper speaker. There must be synergy while this is not the case with a great pre-amp. It will meld well with any good system, and only improve on what is in front of and after it.