Best CD player with Pass X150????

I was hoping I could hear some opinions on which cd players would be a good match for the Pass x150 amp. I am currently using a Marantz dv18 as a transport, Monarchy Audio M22c DAC, Paradigm Ref. 60's, and F.M.S cables. Thanks!
I use a Wadia 850 (balanced output) for Redbook and a cheap SONY SACD (under evaluation) for SACDs. You have a nice system! What don't you like about what you have now?
I'm using a Sony SCD-777ES SACD with a Pass Aleph P & Aleph 30 amp into custom 2-way monitors. The Sony is the best match I've found in my system. I've also tried my older Sony as transport into a Theta Gen V dac, also the Theta Miles (fully balanced). The Sony SACD has excellent detail & bass, the Pass Aleph beats the other amps I've owned overall.