Best used 2 channel preamp for 2500.00.

Hi to all the experts out there. I have a sims titan 5 channel amp (basically 5 channels of the w-5). I would like to mate it with a great preamp for music. The front runner right now is a Audio Research LS-25. What else should I look at? Are there older model AR's that will do just as well? I plan on getting a arcam FMJ 23 CD player. My speakers are custom made Scan speak driver. Thanks for any help you guys and girls can give me!!!!!
Find a Kora Eclipse. One with the upgraded power supply umbilical cord. VERY good with phono stage and remote. Also has balanced and single ended outs. Outboard power supply.
Thanks for the responses!!!! I do not neeed phono stage. I also would like remote and balanced outs. If I could get one with a home theater bypass I would be in heaven!!!
It also has a line stage. I'm sorry if I wasn't clear about that. Also has a processor loop. 3 tube configuration. Phono stage is jus kind of a bonus for resale.