Clash of the Titans

Any members fortunate enough to have beard any combination of the amps listed below?

VTL 750
Tube Research GT 400
Wolcott Presence
Jadis JA 500
Atmasphere MA2 MKll

Your experiences with reliability, performance, power, dynamics, and how it controlled the speaker. Please include short list of associated electronics and favored source.
128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xalbertporter
I use a pair of Atma-Sphere MA2 MKII amplifiers to drive Avalon Acoustics Eidolon speakers. I can't comment on any of the other amplifiers listed, so I may not qualify has having heard a "combination of the amps listed."

Over the past year that I've used them, the Atma-Sphere amplifiers have been completely dependable. The amps complement well the speed and dynamic capabilities of the Eidolons, and they have no difficulty with the 4-ohm average load of the speakers. Bass and mid-bass response is detailed, tight and harmonically accurate.

What I've enjoyed most about these amplifiers are their harmonic integrity, transient capability, and ability to make huge dynamic swings. They are able to reproduce acoustic instruments with a naturalness of timbre and rightness of detail and low-level dynamics that sounds eminently "right" to my ears.

Associated electronics: an Aesthetix Io Signature phonostage, with dual power supplies and internal volume contols, directly drives the amplifiers. (And the Io definitely makes a significant contribution to the overall sense of unlimited dynamics.)

Primary Source Material: LPs, 90% classical, almost 100% acoustic.
I use a pair of Atma-Sphere MA2 MKII amplifiers to drive Avalon Acoustics Eidolon speakers. I can't comment on any of the other amplifiers listed, so I may not qualify has having heard a "combination of the amps listed."

Over the past year that I've used them, the Atma-Sphere amplifiers have been completely dependable. The amps complement well the speed and dynamic capabilities of the Eidolons, and they have no difficulty with the 4-ohm average load of the speakers. Bass and mid-bass response is detailed, tight and harmonically accurate.

What I've enjoyed most about these amplifiers are their harmonic integrity, transient capability, and ability to make huge dynamic swings. They are able to reproduce acoustic instruments with a naturalness of timbre and rightness of detail and low-level dynamics that sounds eminently "right" to my ears.

Associated electronics: an Aesthetix Io Signature phonostage, with dual power supplies and internal volume contols, directly drives the amplifiers. (And the Io definitely makes a significant contribution to the overall sense of unlimited dynamics.)

Primary Source Material: LPs, 90% classical, almost 100% acoustic.