Clash of the Titans

Any members fortunate enough to have beard any combination of the amps listed below?

VTL 750
Tube Research GT 400
Wolcott Presence
Jadis JA 500
Atmasphere MA2 MKll

Your experiences with reliability, performance, power, dynamics, and how it controlled the speaker. Please include short list of associated electronics and favored source.
128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xalbertporter
Ivanj, to answer your question.

There are compromises with all audio gear and big tube power amplifiers are no different. They are labor intensive to build and subject to many design decisions that must balance performance, reliability and price. Some designers compromise all three, some only one or two.

My reference speakers are the Soundlab Ultimate 1 which makes that choice even more critical. Not the easiest speaker to drive to live listening levels.

I've already owned the Atmasphere MA 2 ( not Mk ll) , the Tube Research GT 400, two Viva's and now the Wolcotts. Speaking with a fellow audiophile today made me wonder I had overlooked (a possible) perfect option.
well if you had tube research 400s , you had the best amps on earth. all the amps you mention are great amps but the tube researches are the ultimate. the u1s are on a very short list of some of the finest speakers on earth as well.
Albert- Your a friend so I'll tell you the way it is, all that stuff is junk. Get yourself some bose 901's and enjoy the music ;) Besides its not like you could hear the differences in that horrible room of yours :) ~Tim
Tim ... the 901s? Nahhh ... old design. Get the newer Bose "Wave" ... yeah, that great radio/alarm clock/high-end player. Be sure to play it in your garage for all that nice reverb, too. *groan*
Dear Albertporter-

I've heard
VTL 750
Wolcott Presence
Jadis JA 500

Listened to the 750 VTLs on Wilson speakers - very spectacular, dynamic sound. I heard them in a shop on the west coast. Levinson front end gear. Very nice system, not my particular taste however. Dealer claimed they are reliable.

I've heard the Wolcotts on Sound Lab M-1s. They made the other (SS) amplifiers the dealer had sound broken. I ordered a pair. The dealer and some others I've spoken to claim the Wolcotts in their present incarnation are very reliable. I sure hope so....what has been your experience?

I've heard this particular Jadis and some others - older versions - on several different speakers including M-1s, big Apogee Ribbons and Audio Physik something. They sound very good indeed. They really sounded fine on the Apogees! My buddy who had a set on his Sound Labs A-3s finally sold the Jadis because they blew up periodically, and at the time, needed lengthy repairs. (He also had several OTL amps over the years; he said their reliability is "getting better but they all blew up.")

He finally gave up and got a set of Boulder amps for his M-1s (he moved up from A3s.) Those sound very good indeed, but are a bit out of my range financially. It's nice to have a friend with a system like that nearby!

BTW I don't mean to gore anyone's particular ox here and I hesistated buying a high-powered tube amp myself so we shall see.