Clash of the Titans

Any members fortunate enough to have beard any combination of the amps listed below?

VTL 750
Tube Research GT 400
Wolcott Presence
Jadis JA 500
Atmasphere MA2 MKll

Your experiences with reliability, performance, power, dynamics, and how it controlled the speaker. Please include short list of associated electronics and favored source.
128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xalbertporter
I will definitely post my experiences here, but since my Soundlab speakers are in the process of being built, it won't be before the end of August, before I can post here concerning these amps and Soundlab speakers.
Tekunda, feel free to contact me once your Soundlab speakers are broken in, I have tweaks that will help performance.
Have had the CAT SL-1 for years, have had the Jadis JA-80 for years.
Also had the chance to listen to the Jadis JA-200, and the JL-1 CAT mono's.
I cannot comment on the other US amps. but i can say with full confidence that entering the Atma-Sphere MA-2 mkII in my system has turned my audiophile world upside down.
I experience an openness and lifelike sound which is hardly to describe in technical terms.
the Jadis and CAT amps are very good mind you.
but compared i experience a much wider frequency, and a much more open sound with the MA-2's. Another thing is the drama and the speed of the amps which is staggering.
I partner my MA-2's with a Cello Encore preamp, and listen to LP only.
The MA-2 is the most reliable amp ever had in my 25 years of listening to music.
Use them balanced in any case.
I use the Voce Divina speaker system for some 6 years now.

regards and enjoy the music !