Great service from Mark Levinson and Madrigal

In this age of poor service, I would like compliment the folks at Mark Levinson and Madrigal. They work hard to service your equipment and return it to you asap. They answer questions on the phone or by email. This has not always been my experience or my friends' experiences with other audio companies who shall at this time remain unnamed.
Because of the companines commitment to customer service, the high build quality, and superb sonics, I would not hesitate to recommend the purchase of any of their equipment.
I agree too Sgr. I've purchased 3 USED Levinson components in the last 2-3 years, and Todd Sutherland, Customer Service Rep. at Madrigal quickly got them registered to me for remaing warranty purposes. I really appreciated that and my hat's off to Madrigal for such service. Cheers. Craig
Count me in also - they still service (and upgraded) my relatively ancient 20.6 mono's to this day. The folks at Madrigal Labs continue to offer support and service through my dealer even though he has long since stopped selling Levinson gear.
I'm impressed, that so many agree with the quailty of customer service from Mark Levinson and Madrigal. No one seems to disagree. Thank you all for sharing your experience, you help us all. Bravo, Mark Levinson and Madrigal.
Yes, I've had the same experience. By email or phone for tech help or sending in my amp for repair of a cracked binding post, I have gotten totally courteous fast service with no bs. Also, the little things like very good packaging, excellent manuals, and a great website also help set them apart from other companies.
i'm in the process of getting my transport fixed,& i agree with all above posts,Sarah at madrigal has been great,i have been in audio for 30 years,& never been treated this good,they are wonderfull,hi5harry